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Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (Grant Nos. BK20130453 and BK20130434) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11304271).
We report an efficient continuous-wave self-Raman laser at 1176 nm based on a 20-mm-long composite YVO4/Nd:YVO4/YVO4 crystal and pumped by a wavelength-locked 878.9 nm diode laser. A maximum output power of 5.3 W is achieved at a pump power of 26 W, corresponding to an optical conversion efficiency of 20% and a slope efficiency of 21%. The Raman threshold for the diode pump power was only 0.92 W. The results reveal that in-band pumping by a wavelength-locked diode laser significantly enhances output power and efficiency of self-Raman lasers by virtue of improved pump absorption and relieved thermal loading.
Simulated Raman scattering (SRS) is a famous third-order nonlinear optical effect that has been widely used for frequency conversion to generate new laser wavelengths in the visible and infrared region. In recent years, continuous-wave (cw) operation of diode-pumped solid-state Raman lasers have gained extensive attention due to their potential applications in many areas such as biomedicine, spectroscopy, optical communication, and environmental control.[1–4] Compared with the intracavity Raman conversion, self-Raman conversion is a more promising scheme for cw Raman operation, in which only one crystal is used for the fundamental laser generation and Raman conversion. By reducing the number of optical elements in the laser cavity, self-Raman lasers have the benefits of compactness, lower cavity losses, shorter resonators, and enhanced efficiency. The cw diode-pumped self-Raman laser was first demonstrated with Nd:KGW crystal in 2005.[5] Later, a variety of crystals such as Nd:YVO4,[6,7] Nd:GdVO4,[8,9] Nd:LuVO4,[10] and Yb:KGW[11] were employed for efficient cw self-Raman conversion.
In spite of the above-mentioned advantages, thermal loading of cw self-Raman lasers is more severe, which limits the improvement of cw self-stimulate Raman laser performance due to the following two reasons: (i) strong thermal lensing effect induces resonator instability and limits the use of higher pump power; (ii) Raman gain coefficient decreases as crystal temperature increases. Therefore, alleviation of thermal effects in self-Raman medium is especially important for cw self-Raman lasers. Over the past twenty years, it has been demonstrated that thermal effects can be efficiently reduced by using composite laser crystals[12–14] and in-band pumping.[15–18] In 2010, we realized an efficient cw self-frequency Raman generation in a composite YVO4/Nd:YVO4/YVO4 crystal. The Raman threshold was measured at 2.2 W of the traditional 808 nm diode laser (LD) pump. Under the incident diode pump of 25.5 W, the highest cw Raman output power obtained at 1175 nm was 2.8 W for an optical conversion efficiency of 11%.[19] In the same year, Lu et al. reported a cw frequency-doubled, self-Raman laser with a composite LuVO4/Nd:LuVO4/LuVO4 crystal pumped by an 880 nm laser diode.[10] The results demonstrated that significant reduction in thermal load can be obtained by in-band pumping. However, due to the narrow linewidth of the absorption band under 880 nm in-band pumping, the emission spectrum (of common 880 nm in-band pumping LD) is difficult to match accurately to the absorption peak of crystal’s in-band pumping band. Thus, pump absorption is relatively low, restraining the overall optical efficiency of Raman lasers. In 2014, a wavelength-locked in-band pumping LD is introduced to actively Q-switched self-Raman lasers by Sheng et al.[20] and Ding et al.[21] The pump absorption fraction of 0.3-at.% doped Nd:YVO4 crystal with a length of 10 mm increases from 77% to 86% by wavelength-locked LD pumping.[21]
In this paper, we report a cw efficient self-Raman laser operation at 1176 nm based on a composite YVO4/Nd:YVO4/YVO4 crystal. For the first time, a 878.9-nm wavelength-locked laser diode is introduced as the in-band pump source of continuous-wave self-Raman laser. Since the narrow and stable emission is accurately matched to the absorption peak of the Nd:YVO4 crystal’s 880-nm in-band pumping band, pump absorption is improved and simultaneously thermal loading is mitigated. Finally, 5.3 W of cw 1176-nm first-Stokes output was generated at the incident pump power of 26 W, corresponding to an optical (diode-to-Stokes) conversion efficiency of 20%. The threshold for SRS was only 0.92 W of diode pump power at 878.9 nm. The Raman output power and efficiency are obviously increased as opposed to 808-nm traditional pumping.
The experimental configuration is illustrated in Fig.
The resonator was formed by a flat input mirror and a concave output coupler, which were both coated with high transmission (T > 99%) at 878.9 nm and high reflectivity at both 1064 nm (R = 99.8%) and 1176 nm (R = 99.3%). To optimize the cavity, a variety of output couplers with different radii of curvature (50, 100, 200, 300, 500, and 800 mm) were employed. In the experiment, all the elements in the resonator were placed in close proximity to each other to minimize the resonator length. The shortest resonator length was 17 mm for the 10 mm and 14 mm long crystals and extended to 23 mm to accommodate the 20-mm-long crystal. A longpass filter (FEL1100 Thorlabs) and a bandpass filter (FLH1064-8 Thorlabs) were used to measure output powers of the Raman and the fundamental laser, respectively, which were recorded by a laser power meter (LP-3B).
The output spectral characteristics of the laser system were investigated using an optical spectrum analyzer with 0.02 nm resolution (Yokogawa, AQ-6370C). As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. Output spectrum of the cw YVO4/Nd:YVO4/YVO4 self-Raman laser. Inset: temporal stability of the cw self-Raman laser under the incident pump of 26 W. |
The performance of the cw Raman laser is evaluated using three different length crystals and output couplers with several radii of curvature (50, 100, 200, 300, 500, and 800 mm). For three different length crystals, the highest output powers of Stokes radiation were all obtained using a 100 mm concave output coupler. Cw Raman output power at 1176 nm is shown in Fig.
Pump absorptions of three different length crystals were also investigated under a pump power of 26 W. For the 10-mm-long Nd:YVO4 crystal, the residual output power of the pump laser at 878.9 nm from the output coupler was 4.3 W, corresponding to an absorption fraction of 83.5%. For the 14-mm-long and 20-mm-long composite YVO4/Nd:YVO4/YVO4 crystals, the residual output pump powers were measured to be 3.64 W and 1.0 W, corresponding to the absorption fractions of 86% and 96%, respectively. As a reference, a 10-mm-long, a-cut Nd:YVO4 crystal with 0.3-at.% doping concentration can absorb only ∼ 77% of the non-polarized common 880-nm incident pump power.[24] This reveals that improved pump absorption is achieved by introducing a wavelength-locked LD as pump source and by increasing the length of the crystal. It should be noted that output power did not show any saturation behavior under the maximum pump power for the two composite crystals, whereas for the conventional Nd:YVO4 crystal, Raman output power rolls over as the incident pump power goes beyond 20 W, caused by cavity instability. These results indicate that the application of a wavelength-locked LD at 878.9 nm and a long composite crystal significantly reduces thermal load and at the same time enhances pump absorption, thus achieving a more efficient Raman conversion. Because no saturation phenomenon in the Raman output and no optical damage were observed at the maximum pump power, it is expected that higher Raman output power can be obtained as pump power increases. In addition, we notice that the residual fundamental (1064 nm) output power from the output mirror is much higher than that in Ref. [19], with both cavity mirrors of high reflectivity (R = 99.8%) at 1060–1180 nm. Given that the cw Raman laser is sensitive to the cavity mirror coating, we can speculate that the actual reflectivity of cavity mirrors in this work were lower than 99.8%. Therefore, considerable increases in Raman power can be anticipated by increasing the cavity-Q for the fundamental optical field.
When the output mirror was replaced by a flat output coupler with 10% transmission at 1064 nm (optimum transmission for maximum output power), we also investigated the performance of cw 1064 nm fundamental laser with the 20-mm-long composite YVO4/Nd:YVO4/YVO4. For the shortest cavity length of 23 mm, maximum output power obtained at the fundamental line was 17.6 W at 26 W incident pump power. The onset of thermal fracture of crystal and resonator instability were not observed at the highest pump power. Based on this observation we estimate the thermal lens in the composite YVO4/Nd:YVO4/YVO4 crystal should be longer than 23 mm at the maximum pump power of 26 W. It should be noted that when the length of cavity was increased to 100 mm, cavity instability was observed at the incident pump power of 18 W.
In conclusion, we have demonstrated an efficient cw self-Raman laser at 1176 nm with a composite YVO4/Nd:YVO4/YVO4 crystal. The combination of in-band pumping by a wavelength-locked LD and the use of a long (20 mm) self-Raman composite crystal has reduced thermal effects and simultaneously improved pump absorption. With a 20-mm-long composite crystal, 5.3 W maximum output power at 1176 nm was obtained for diode pump power of 26 W, corresponding to an optical diode-to-Stokes conversion efficiency of 20%. The measured Raman threshold for the incident pump power was only 0.92 W. Both output power and efficiency are obviously higher than those under traditional 808 nm pumping and common 880 nm pumping. The experimental results demonstrate that the employment of a wavelength-locked in-band pumping LD can efficiently improve self-Raman laser performance in continuous wave regime because of the reduction in thermal effects and the improvement of pump absorption.
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